Frequently Asked Questions


Listed below are the most frequently asked questions about Financial Aid at Ƶ. If you don’t see your question listed or would like to learn how to obtain financial assistance to attend Thomas More, contact the Admissions Office or Financial Aid office.

March 15 is Thomas More’s priority deadline for filing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Financial Aid Office recommends, however, that students file a FAFSA as soon as the FAFSA application opens.

Financial aid may differ from year to year based upon funding limitations, changes in your family income or size, or your academic standing. It is important to reapply each year before the priority deadline.

Your Student Aid Index (SAI), formally known as the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC), is a formula-based index number ranging from –1500 to 999999. Where your SAI falls within the SAI range helps your school determine how much financial support you may need.

First, make sure you’ve filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Then, visit the Loans page on the financial aid website. Here, you will complete loan entrance counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note with the FSA ID you used to sign your FAFSA. The financial aid office will be notified once you’ve signed the Master Promissory Note and will certify your loan application.

Parents interested in borrowing a Federal PLUS Loan to cover their students’ educational expenses should visit the Loans page on the financial aid website. Here, parents will complete and sign a PLUS promissory note as well as request a credit check through the US Department of Education. All parent loans are subject to a credit check. Parents can sign the promissory note with the FSA ID they used to sign their students’ FAFSA. The financial aid office will be notified once a parent has signed the promissory note and will certify the loan application.

A Special Conditions form is available through the Thomas More Financial Aid Office for extraordinary or special financial circumstances. Your financial aid administrator takes all factors into consideration and uses fair professional judgment to determine eligibility for additional financial aid.

Your Thomas More Application for Admission serves as your application for most Thomas More scholarships. To view other scholarships that may require separate applications, visit the Scholarships page on the financial aid website.

Yes. You may check the status of your FAFSA by going to . Under Step 3 on the website, click “Check Status of a Submitted FAFSA or Print Signature Page.” You may also check on the status by calling the Federal Processing Center at 1.800.433.3243.

Direct Student Loans are student loans guaranteed by the federal government. There are two types of Direct Student Loans-subsidized and unsubsidized. Subsidized Stafford Loans are awarded to students on the basis of students’ need as determined by the FAFSA. The government pays the accruing interest on Subsidized Direct Student Loans while the student is enrolled in school at least half-time or during any authorized deferment. Unsubsidized Direct Student Loans are not awarded on the basis of student’s need, and the interest on these loans begins to accrue as soon as the funds are disbursed.  Repayment of Direct Student Loans begins six months after the student graduates, withdraws, or drops below half-time status.

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. All students seeking financial aid from the federal or state government must complete the form. The FAFSA can be completed at .

A Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legally binding contract you sign in order to receive Direct Student Loans. The MPN describes your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower, and by signing the MPN, you agree to repay the money borrowed and agree to all terms and conditions included in the MPN. Once you sign an MPN, a new MPN is not required for any new loans for the next ten years. You can sign your MPN electronically with the FSA ID you used to sign your FAFSA.

Yes. Although only full-time students are eligible for some types of financial aid (like Thomas More Scholarships), part-time students may be eligible for most grants and loans. Students must be enrolled for only a minimum of six credit hours to qualify for federal student loans. Students eligible for a federal Pell Grant may enroll for as few as three credit hours and still qualify for the grant